E.V.A (Este Verano Adelgazo- This Summer I lose weight) is an installation designed for the 2007 FIBART festival. A set of wardrobe mirrors designed for the privacy of a room located in different places on the beach, in the sand, at the water's edge, in front of the shower ... In total 12 mirrors that disturb us in a sensitive moment, a moment of obligatory exhibition that we have anticipated in our imagination wanting to look perfect. The public is forced to discover themselves by surprise, without waiting it, without preparing for the moment of finding its image, without filters, without poses, or artifices, and with raw sincerity. The involuntary image of oneself in a bikini or swimsuit confronts us with the tremendous demand for impossible standards of beauty imposed on us by the consumer society.

E.V.A reminds us of the frustration of not being as we would like to be and as we are required to be. But mirrors distort, they are not the real image of our learned appearance, they give us another look at ourselves and thus, they question us what our true image is, they invite us to laugh and play transgressing the demands of a society sick with artificial beauty. E.V.A is a wink of complicity with the viewer, a complaint and criticism of the perverse aggression of the "bikini operation".

E.V.A (Este Verano adelgazo) | 2007 | Installation | Dimensions variable
Exhibtion View: FIB8ART 2007 | Benicàssim, Castellón